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Discussion Forum

Business Networking at the Next Level 

The Forum is the best place to create partnerships within the association. It brings together opportunities, ideas and potential collaborations. 

Discussion Forum

New Business Opportunities 


ConnectOne opens new business perspectives through collaboration. Different projects are opened every day, with member businesses being given the opportunity to join projects and expand their reach.


Solutions for Common Challenges 


The ConnectOne discussion forum  is a discussion board where business owners can share their challenges, knowledge and ideas with their peers, which helps them develop solutions to common business issues. 


Digital Business Network 


The ConnectOne platform enables businesses to connect with each other whenever it is needed, iresspective of their location and time zone.  The collaboration channel is available for businesses 24/7, which allows them to easily reach out when they need partners in order to deliver a larger, more complex project. 

Contact us for a demo


Unit m 15, Kristal campus10 

Yemere village, Sarjapur road

Banglore india, 562125

+91 - 9429 690 489

Level 2, 23 Foster Street,

Surry Hills NSW 2010,


+61 2 8798 0265

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